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    Our brands thrive by defying all odds

    Innovative thinkers

    Change comes when we dare to make it happen!

    Investing in Dreamscapes Ventures would be a long-term value creating opportunity. As a private firm we are better managed for the long term. Our main goal is to create more jobs and run more efficiently and profitable. Investing in Dreamscapes Ventures means sharing more directly in the underlying profits and having earnings be paid directly to you. As an investor you will have a larger role in the decision-making process, especially those with large ownership stakes. We would always give investors critical information that they need to value their portfolio and we would share key metrics and performance indicators that investors consider important. At Dreamscapes Ventures we are looking for angel investors, or venture capitalist, partners, that offers growth capital and managerial know-how and other operational assistance. If you are interested in becoming and investor and a member of our board please contact us at info@dreamscapesventures.com.

    Change Makers

    Being an example to all

    At Dreamscapes Ventures we pride our selves on investing in ideas that produce success.

    Innovative Educators

    Giving the best advice

    We assess every opportunity for each company and apply the best minds to work with them.

    Deal Makers

    Return on Investment

    Once these companies are successful we guide and help them to their next stage of profitability.

    Representing Underrepresent Innovators

    Representation is key to developing all
    area of society

    2% of capital is going to U.S.-based female-only founder teams,. Of the 2%, women of color get only a fraction. In Canada this is percent is even worst. According to The Financial Post black entrepreneurs in Canada often find themselves underfunded and unsupported by venture capitalists, who pour money into companies run by people in their existing networks, which are predominantly white and male. Quantifying how much less funding Black business owners are receiving is tough because such metrics are seldom tracked in Canada

    but entrepreneurs and investors estimate it to be on par with — or even worse than — the U.S. This is why Dreamscapes Ventures is necessary in filling these gaps that are blatantly being ignored in Canada and the United States. Less than one per cent of the US$543 billion in venture capital offered in the U.S. between 2015 and 2019 was given to Black and African American founders, according to business information platform Crunchbase. That’s just US$4.9 billion. Meanwhile, only two of 300 grants the Canadian government offered women-owned businesses went to Black-run companies in 2018.


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